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The Pros and Cons of Using Mouthwash

For many Americans, using mouthwash is a habitual part of their oral health routine. We floss, brush, rinse with mouthwash, and then step off to work or to bed.

Because using mouthwash often feels like second nature, many people don’t take the time to consider why they’re using mouthwash in the first place and whether it’s actually doing them any good.

The truth is that mouthwash boasts a number of benefits—but it’s not without its cautionary tales. Before you reach for the bottle of mouthwash beside your bathroom sink, take the time to learn about the pros and cons of using it in the first place.

Using Mouthwash: The Pros

It’s very important to note that these benefits aren’t simply due to using mouthwash. Instead, they’re the result of using mouthwash as part of a comprehensive oral health care routine that includes proper brushing and flossing. Using mouthwash alone is not enough to achieve these lasting benefits.

Using Mouthwash: The Cons

As you can see, the answer to the question of whether or not to use mouthwash is not one-size-fits-all. If you have questions or concerns about your mouthwash or any other aspect of your oral health routine, it’s important to chat with your dentist to determine the right course of action for you.

No matter what, remember that mouthwash is never a substitute for a proper tooth brushing and flossing routine, and it’s not a cure for oral health issues. At its best, it’s a complementary habit that may give your mouth an added health boost.

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